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CRS HQ holds summer fete charity day raising £1274 in aid of Ickle Pickles

September 29, 2022

CRS recently raised £1274.04 to support children’s charity Ickle Pickles in our recent charity fete day.

Our main office in Portsmouth recently held a charity fete day to have an afternoon of fun and games and support another fantastic charity. For this event, the CRS charity committee took the decision to support the children’s charity Ickle Pickles. CRS charity events are a fantastic opportunity for all Compass partner brands to come together and meet other people within the business that they do not interact with as much on a regular basis.

What are Ickle Pickles and what do they do?

Since 2009, the Ickle Pickles Children’s Charity has been raising money for intensive care equipment that treats premature and sick babies and keeps them alive. Ickle Pickles is the only charity that aims to help hospitals raise money to buy essential equipment for premature babies nationally. The Ickle Pickles offers a unique opportunity to help vulnerable babies at a crucial time in their lives. The charity’s long-term plan is to become the charity partner for 150 neonatal units and to donate vital equipment to every neonatal unit in England & Wales.

All our equipment provision needed is incredibly specific and we offer full transparency for donors as to how their donated funds are used:

  • Since 2009 we have donated equipment to over 30 Neonatal Units – each unit treats approximately 500 babies per year and supports parents and families through a very stressful experience;
  • We have built up relationships with 17 relevant clinical teams and regularly engage with them to ensure equipment grants meet each neonatal unit’s specific needs.

How we supported Ickle Pickles

We kicked off the charity event with a variety of food and drink for everyone opting to take part. Raffles and tombolas were organised with a fantastic array of prizes donated by local businesses comprising of beauty treatments, experience days, as well as tickets for Victorious Festival in 2023. The charity committee also organised a number of fun fete-themed games for people to take part in which included hook a duck, tombola, coconut shy, bobbing apples, bean bag tossing and a treasure hunt.

CRS Senior Marketing Design Executive, Laura Frampton commented:

“The team at Ickle Pickles work tirelessly to support the tiniest of babies in need of the most intense care. I’m incredibly proud of the effort the CRS charity committee put into our fundraising day, with a huge uptake in participation from our peers, raising over £1,200 between us. It was a fantastic day for a truly worthy cause!”

The day was a great success and enjoyed by all! We raised a total of £1274.04 which is a fantastic contribution. Thank you to everyone that took part, donated and organised this fantastic event for such a worthwhile cause!

Find out more about Ickle Pickles Children’s charity here and for all the latest CRS news, click here.